Rocking with PHP, CSS and HTML5
Stephan Soller, Student Medieninformatik, Hochschule der Medien StuttgartThis is the presentation of a talk about the creative use of webstandards. This document itself uses the CSS presentation mode, at the time of writing only supported by the Opera Browser.
If you're viewing this page with Opera, simply enter fullscreen mode (F11) and you'll see the presentation. Use Page Down and Page Up to navigate between the slides. If viewed normally additional text is shown explaining the concepts outlined in the presentation.
Alternatively you can switch to the Green Projection
style. In Firefox you can switch the style
by selecting View
→ Page Style
→ Green Projection
. On Opera it's Menu
→ Page
→ Style
→ Green Projection
. Sorry, I was to lazy to implement a small
style switcher.
I held the talk at the WebDay 2010 of the HdM Stuttgart. If you have questions or any other kind of feedback feel free to send me a mail.
The fun part
What we all stand upon…
GET /weblog POST /weblog new content GET /weblog/webday PUT /weblog/webday updated content DELETE /weblog/webday
Slavery is illegal… theoretically
→ /notes/abc
RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/notes$ /notes.php [last] RewriteRule ^/notes/([^/]+)$ ↪ /notes.php?id=$1 [last,qsappend]
Made for the web
<?php foreach(array(1, 2, 3) as $number): ?> Number: <?php echo($number) ?><br /> <?php endforeach ?>
<? foreach(array(1, 2, 3) as $number): ?> Number: <?= $number ?><br /> <? endforeach ?>
reads a file…file_get_contents('');
<?php $url = ''; $feed = simplexml_load_file($url); ?> <h1><?= $feed->title ?></h1> <? foreach($feed->entry as $entry): ?> <h2><?= $entry->title ?></h2> <?= $entry->content ?> <? endforeach ?>
Where did I put this…
Say what you mean
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
↪ content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
and ß
header footer nav aside section article …
em strong time abbr var samp kbd …
and span
soup<video src="clip.ogv" controls></video>
<video controls> <source src="clip.mp4"> <source src="clip.ogv"> </video>
Say how it looks
<style media="projection">…</style>
@media projection { … }